Are you allergic
to your everyday habits?

duration time 4 min read

Even if you take care to avoid your own personal triggers for sneezing, watering eyes, asthma and wheezing, or products that bring you out in blotches, your daily routine might be making your allergies worse. Everyday habits can be a surprising source of allergen exposure. How we clean our house, how we dress, how much we drink, our stress levels, and even how long we spend in the bath, all can increase occurrences of allergic reactions.

1The Skin as a Route of Allergen Exposure: Part II. Allergens and Role of the Microbiome and Environmental Exposures. Knaysi, G., Smith, A.R., Wilson, J.M. et al. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2017) 17: 7. doi:10.1007/s11882-017-0675-4

6 everyday habits
that could be causing your skin allergies

1. Dusting and sweeping can cause skin allergy

When it comes to allergy symptoms, the wrong cleaning methods are more curse than cure. Dry tools such as brooms and feather dusters simply redistribute dust, a major cause of skin allergy, and can transform innocuous sediment on the ground into an airborne “allergen haze”.

Top tips? Favour wet mopping over dry sweeping. When it comes to dusting, opt for a damp microfibre cloth. Your knight in shining anti-allergy armor? The simple vacuum cleaner. Vacuum your floors, curtains, upholstery, toys… anything and everything that collects dust. Final tip: household cleaning products can be allergenic too, so don a mask and gloves and whistle while you work! 

2. Bad laundry habits can cause itchy skin rashes

Bedding is home to millions1 of eight-legged dust mites that are among the top causes of allergy. Think asthma, eczema and allergic skin reactions. There are many things you can do to reduce house dust mite levels in your home, but laundering your bedsheets weekly and correctly is among the most important.

Top tips? Wash bedding weekly at 60° to kill the mites. If your sheets aren’t compatible with hot washes, pop them in the drier for at least 15 mins at a temperature above 60°. And remember that laundry detergents in themselves can be an allergy trigger so opt for hypoallergenic formulas, and rinse your wash twice over.

Did you know? Leaving your bed “unmade” is actually better for house dust mite allergy as it aerates the sheets and reduces levels of the mites2.

3. Stress can cause allergies

Many people identify stress as a personal allergy trigger and this observation is backed up by the science. Researchers have shown that increased stress tallies with increased allergy flare-ups3. The reasons why remain somewhat unclear, but there are thought to be complex interactions between the brain and the immune system at the heart of allergy. Some scientists even suggest that proper allergy treatment should include psychological therapies!4

Top tips? Stress is part of modern living, so take some simple steps to reduce the negative stress in your life. Try an app to find some headspace, investigate mindfulness or regulate your sleep cycle. And be sure to make exercise a daily non-negotiable. Your allergies might just thank you for it.

4. Long, hot showers and baths can trigger allergic symptoms

Long and very hot baths or showers can worsen the symptoms of sensitive to reactive skin by weakening its barrier. Also bear in mind that prolonged warmth and humidity turns your bathroom into a breeding ground for one of the top allergens: mould. This unsightly black fungus releases thousands of allergenic spores that can worsen asthma and eczema and cause many types of skin allergy.

Top tips? Opt for lukewarm water and shorter shower times. Not only will this reduce mould growth, it’s also far kinder on sensitive to allergic skin. To rid your tiles and grouting of the mold itself, there are plenty of specialist products available, but they are harsh! So don’t forget your mask and gloves from tip #1. Finally, if your bathroom has a window, leave it open for half an hour a day to aerate the space.

5. Contact lenses can worsen eye allergies

In allergy season, contact lenses can trap pollen, dust, and other allergens right up against the sensitive membrane covering the eye, the conjunctiva. And that means redness, watering and itch. In other words, you look like you’re on the verge of bursting into tears. Not ideal for your next office meeting or date!

Top tips? When pollen levels are high, favour glasses over contacts, or wear sunglasses over your contacts to block out the allergen-laden breeze. If you do want to wear contacts, try daily disposables to avoid build-up. And remember you can still use anti-allergy eye drops with contact lenses, but do wait at least 10 minutes after using the drops before inserting your contacts.

6. Don't bring the outside allergens inside

If you wear shoes and, more generally, “outdoor clothes” inside your home, you are trampling and spreading allergens all over your carpets, upholstery and furniture. And that’s bad news for allergy sufferers.

Top tips? Outdoor shoes should ideally stay at the door: In the porch, for example. Every day, as soon as you get home, “slip into something a little more comfortable”. In other words, toss your outdoor clothes in the wash, change into something fresh, and grab a pair of soft slippers for your tootsies. You’ll quickly notice the difference.

Check out these bad beauty habits too




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